
Showing posts from 2017

2025 Contest Prize Wins

  Last year I started keeping track of the prizes I won. You can read that post here  2024 Contest Prize Wins . It is a great post to have for memories so I’m going to start a new post for 2025. I received the first prize of 2025. It took a little to get it because my friend picked it up for me. This was a prize pack from Ottawabloggers and Tiffinit. I thought the prize was just going to be spices as that is all the contest indicated. I got a basket with spices, some cookies that are likely not vegan, 2 toques and some other knickknacks that will be given to my non vegan friend. The spices smell really good and they are vegan. I don’t know what the value of this basket is so I’m going to estimate $50. value of prize $50 Total value of prizes 2025 $50 Thank you for reading. For more vegan food follow me on Instagram @LivingOttawaLocal and @VeganCanadianfinds For scenery videos follow me on YouTube

2017 Goal Reached Earned $1000 CDN from the internet and $1375 Goal for 2018

I am so excited that I actually accomplished this goal I have some previous posts on what apps and sites I used. As promised in the last post here is the breakdown on how I earned it. Total                                        $2017 Amazon mturk $413.81 focus groups $225.00 Swagbucks $105.00 field agent 98.25 EVA 62 prolific 42.05 ipsos isay 10 pinecone 42 shoppers army 31.5 Total $1,029.61 I actually earned a little more but I lost $15 with Qricket. I am no longer a VIP member so I expect I will be able to earn something with Qricket in 2018. I am not stopping here the goal for 2018 is $1375.  To be clear not all of this is cash some of it is in gift cards so here is the breakdown on how I chose to convert the earnings.  Mturk - credits ...

Completed 500 hits and earned over $200 on amazon mturk plus revised list of Top 10 sites or Apps to earn Money on the internet in Canada updated December 2017

If you haven't read the past related posts here are the links go read them now šŸ˜€ If this is the first post you are reading I have a goal of making $1000 during the year on the internet doing things I enjoy in my spare time. There cannot be any commitment, I have to be able to do things whenever I feel like it, stop for long periods of time if I want, and cash back sites and contest winnings do not count. I have to have received the money either in the form of gift cards or PayPal. I have been trying for over two years and this is the first year I think I am going to be able to meet this goal. It is not a fast process but it can be done. I know it is possible to make a lot more but I still want this to be a fun hobby not a job...

November 8, 2017 using an Instapot for the first time vegetarian pasta

I used to have a multicooker which I loved the problem is once the pot scratched on the inside I couldn't find a replacement pot. I always knew the Instapot would be better because of the stainless steel pot and the slow cooker function but it was always something I didn't need. I had a pressure cooker and the soup maker. When I saw the Instapot was going on sale at London drugs for $60 off I told my friend I would give her my electric pressure cooker. The pressure cooker was too big for the small meals I make and I wasn't using it. The instapot was sold out before I got it but my friend still got my pressure cooker and she is happily pressure cooking large batches of ginger tea. My microwave has also stopped working and I decided I don't need a new one. The only problem I have been having with no microwave is warming food I have to do in a frying pan and cooking pasta.  This makes more dishes than I want to wash. I figured the instapot will help me as I...

October 30, 2017 Healthy Flourless Vegan Fudge Brownies, Facebook recipe #3

The link to the original recipe no longer works; however it is from Big Man's World healthy flourless Fudge Brownies. The link for the original video is on livingvancouverloca's facebook page which can be found here . I could only watch the video and not find the original recipe so this is not an exact recipe; however it turned out okay. There are only 5 ingredients and my version is vegan since I used vegan chocolate chips  sweet potato, cocoa powder, almond butter for the brownies. My friend gave me the giant potato and I steamed it but not long enough.  The original recipe says to heat the nut butter but I don't have a microwave so I decided that I could mash the potato and mix the butter in the blender of my magic bullet. It didn't work very well and I had to add water to mix it a little.  In the end I came out with a decent looking batter. The original recipe calls for cooking at 350 for 25 minutes...

October 23, 2017 Facebook recipe #2 dole whip soft serve clone using only 3 ingredients

I am still trying out recipes I have previously shared on Facebook this one is so simply and yummy. The original recipe link can be found here I substituted mango for pineapple because I like mango better plus its what I had in the freezer. All that is needed is some frozen mango or pineapple, a frozen banana, and coconut milk. These are all things I always have around and its a great dessert that is a little healthier.  I blended in the magic bullet and I did have to switch blades as I originally used the whipping blade which couldn't break up the frozen mango. Just a couple of switches of the blades and it turned out great and I put some in the freezer for later. This is really delicious, healthy, and easy I will make it again.

October 16, 2017Attempting to make recipes shared on facebook delish how to make stuffed eggplant parmesan

I know its been awhile and in another post in the future I will give the life update for the last few months. Since I haven't cooked in awhile I thought it would be fun to try making some of the recipes I have shared on facebook in the past but have never attempted to make before. The first dish is is from delish How to make stuffed eggplant parmesan and the link is here Full recipe: I bought the eggplant a long time ago so I only salvaged around half of it also missing olive oil - substituted coconut oil cherry tomatoes - substituted tomatoes that have also been around awhile oregano - substituted basil and herbamare (free from social nature an herbed salt) missing - breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese, and fresh basil The video starts with scooping out the center of the eggplant I just cut what I could salvage into chunks.  Then sautĆ© the onions in olive oil I used coconut oil and used a bit less onion for my taste ...

Earned my first $100 on amazon mturk and revised list of Top 10 sites or Apps to earn Money on the internet in Canada updated June 2017

I am so excited that I managed to make over $100 USD on mturk in a few months. It is time for an update on my internet earnings at the end of May I have already cashed out $559 which is more than I made in all of 2016. If you haven't read my past posts and are interested then read the post titled Happy New Year . My goal is still to cash out $1000 by the end of the year and this year I think I will make it. I have been trying for two years so this is not a fast process I only do things I enjoy though. The original Top 10 list of sites or Apps I use is in the happy New Year post. Most of the sites are still the same but the order and reasons behind have changed. My Revised Top 10 Sites or Apps to earn money from the internet as a Canadian as of June 2017 1. Amazon mturk What I love most about this is the more you do the better it gets. It is like the ultimate game seeing how much I ...

Week of May 28 Veg Expo

This is the weekend I wait for all year Veg Expo in Vancouver. I am vegetarian and love food so an exhibition where I can get all the vegetarian food I want for reasonable prices is great. I bought my tickets from social shopper which was 2 for $15 and with cash back from other sites it ended up being around $10. Tickets are well worth the price. A lot of samples in my tummy not sure if the bags that were given out earlier had more items in them. I was picking up a coupon from the table and the volunteer told me they were in the bag. I came home to discover there was no coupon in the bag but I still ended up with a pretty good free haul to bring home. free samples A couple of vendors had responded to my twitter or instagram inquiries and I have been to past veg expo's. I knew I would be stocking up on supplies while I was here and was prepared with cash. Although the venue was larger than past years the crowd also increased in the past it was held over two days. t...

Happy Victoria Day Weekend May 22, 2017 and Rao's Pasta Sauce

When you have an expensive jar of pasta sauce and you already devoured the pasta what do you do with it? I eat it for breakfast. Poach an Egg in the sauce realize you don't eat that healthy and add some amazing natural cheese puffs and avacado to it More about the sauce below This weekend was relaxing but I did do a few things that I didn't take any pictures. It is the first very hot weekend of the year and that means it is almost summer. I went to the Richmond night market as is tradition with my friends we go at least once every summer. The night market has become one of the biggest in North America however as with most things I prefer the olden days. In the past there was some unique things to try. This year I had truffle fries and a churro  but it was nice to be outside after 10pm with a still clear night. I felt compelled to return to Richmond during the daytime and took a visit to the mcArthur Glen outlets near the airport. Again nice to be outside...

Easy Vegetable Soup with Rice Noodles

When it starts to hail and storm in the middle of May I stay inside and use things in my pantry. This soup is so delicious.  a quarter package of rice noodles Frozen veggies (pc corn with jalapeƱos, artic gardens pasta vegetables) vegetable broth spices (salt,pepper, turmeric)  add everything except rice noodles to soup maker add water to fill to line  set to chunky setting soak rice noodles when soup maker is ready add noodles set timer on soup maker to chunky but unplug after 5 minutes delicious soup is ready