
Showing posts from October, 2018

A road trip Ottawa to Quebec City Day 1

 My friend visited from Vancouver at the same time a friend from Ottawa was going to Montreal to celebrate her birthday and foodie buddy was also going to be in Ottawa. I will call the first friend to arrive Van-friend she is Korean and really wanted to go to Quebec City because there is a Korean drama filmed at the fairmont there. I learned French in Trois-Rivières thirty years ago and I always said I would go back one day. This trip took a lot of planning but of course things never go as planned it was still a great trip just wished we had more time in each city. When we were looking to rent a car we were having trouble getting one and no trains were running to Quebec City on a Thursday. We decided to book a flight from Ottawa to Quebec City meet my friend in Montreal the next day stay the night and drive back to Ottawa in the afternoon.  Van friend flight came late on Wednesday night. I got her Korean food from Koreanmothermeals at Parkdale night market. She loved it. We stayed at t

Vegan Noodle Soup

If you don't have a soup maker I really love mine. I bought it years ago it is a kettle with a blender in it where you just put the ingredients in press the timer and in 25-28 minutes you have soup. This recipe can be made in a pot but I made it in the soup maker.  Ingredients  Vegan Broth 1 Sweet Potato cut into pieces half a white onion sliced 3 small carrots  (I was practicing with my spiralizer) 1 package smoked tofu curry spice pepper rice noodles additional water  1 tsp olive oil I had never used the carrot spiralizing tool before and I forgot I had carrots. I tried to use it on a sweet potato it didn't work so that is why this soup has carrots and sweet potato in it. I found the soup maker works best if you use a little bit of fat in it which is why I added olive oil. Add the oil, onion, sweet potato, spices, broth and fill to the line with water. Plug the soup maker in and select chunky for the type of soup