2025 Contest Prize Wins

In my last post I talked about investing and now being a good time to buy. How does one find extra income to invest when the price of everything is going up and the full-time job barely covers essentials.
I like my job but I want to do something for extra income where I have control over when I do tasks and don't have to get permission from someone else to take time off. Whenever I watch Youtube videos of people telling you how to make extra income they suggest things like social media things that take a lot of time and effort. Those things are not for me I just want to make a little bit more money doing things I enjoy whenever I want.
I have been earning online for at least five years now. I only do things I want to do when I want to do them so you may not think it is not a lot of money and maybe for you it is not but for me it is. There is potential to earn a lot more if you are the kind of person that likes to work a lot I am not that person. I want to enjoy what I do and consider this a hobby rather than work.
The last post where I talked about online earnings can be found here 5000-hits-on-mturk-and-online-earnings update
In my goals for 2021 post that can be found here 2020 review and goals for 2021 I stated that my online earnings goal for 2021 $1380. I do not think I will achieve this goal and I think $1000 is more realistic. A few things happened to reduce my online earnings for the past year. As things remained shut down there was less work for awhile. Then I had my personal issues where I took a break from online work. Once things had recovered people started posting about some of my favorite sites on TikTok and sites like prolific were so overwhelmed with new workers that the quality of the work went down and that reduced work for everyone. Things were getting better but now with things shutting down again it is likely going to be harder to find fair paying work.
Things change all the time with online work this is why I am always looking for new things to do and goals have to be revised. This year has been challenging to find new income sources but still there were some good new sites that have appeared. I have not been spending very much time on online work but it is still fun to earn a bit of money in my spare time at home.
Here is a summary of what I have made so far this year
prolific | 304.23 |
mturk | 223.5 |
Quora | 27.51 |
attapoll | 53.61 |
field agent | 65.75 |
PineCone | 24 |
swagbucks | 80.7 |
other | 123.06 |
Total | 902.36 |
Prolific was good at the beginning of the year and in the past but there was a few months of nothing and now it is slowly returning. It is still one of the best survey sites they do not currently have referrals. They do not have a lot of work but when you do get something it is usually quick and fun. I have made $300 this year and 600 british pounds since I started working on the site which is approximately $1000. Prolific pays in British Pounds to paypal.
Amazon mturk does not have referrals and they reject everyone when they apply but you might get chosen after many months like I did. Mturk takes some time to learn and you have to put some effort in but it gets better as you go along. There is always work available but you have to filter to find things that are worth the pay. I have not put much effort into it this year but I have made $220 so far this year and 1400 USD which is approximately $1700 CDN since I started with them. Mturk does have an option to transfer money to a US bank account but I do not use it to avoid fees. My earnings get transfered to amazon.com where I buy Starbucks, Whole Foods, and Sephora gift cards that can all be used in Canada.
Quora partner program I have not asked a lot of questions this year and the revenue has gone down. I think quora was focusing on other ways of partners earning revenue this year which I did not participate in. I did earn $27 for just asking questions i wanted to know the answer to. I have made over $200 since being a partner program. I think they will likely remove this program soon and I do not think they are accepting new partners for questions but they may be for other programs. Quora pays to paypal in USD.
Field agent I did not do any tasks that required going into stores and taking pictures this year. I think field agent has been affected by businesses slowing down and there are lot more people using it than in the past. I did get a few at home surveys and some free products to try and review. This year was all food items but in the past I got a toaster I still use. This year I earned $65 so far and $460 since i started using them. Here is a referral link to Field Agent
Attapoll is my latest discovery. I have only been using it for a months and not very often. It is a phone app so it is nice to be able to do surveys on the phone. Their surveys do not screen out as often as other survey sites but they do sometimes they have a star rating systems on their surveys but I do not think they are accurate. They do tell you how long a survey will be and how much it pays so you can decide if it is worth doing. Once you have $5 you can cash out to Paypal and the funds are instant. It is a great app I am sure I could earn more if I used it more often they also send notifications when new surveys are out. There are always surveys to do on this app too. Here is a referral link to Attapoll.
Swagbucks I mostly use swagbucks as my search engine, enter promo codes, and play swag live which is an online trivia game. There are many more ways to earn money on swagbucks which I have not used but I have made $80 so far this year and over $500 since I started using it. Here is a referral you will receive 300 swagbucks if you sign up with the link Swagbucks.
There are a variety of other sites I use that have either asked to not post about them on social media or I do not earn enough to talk about them individually. It is important to constantly be looking and trying out new sites with online work as things change constantly. Sometimes I will decide they are not worth my time and other times they will become my favorite sites. The earnings may not be that high but this will help me in the future.
Let me know what sites you like in the comments below or on Instagram @livingvancouverloca.
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