2025 Contest Prize Wins

  Last year I started keeping track of the prizes I won. You can read that post here  2024 Contest Prize Wins . It is a great post to have for memories so I’m going to start a new post for 2025. I received the first prize of 2025. It took a little to get it because my friend picked it up for me. This was a prize pack from Ottawabloggers and Tiffinit. I thought the prize was just going to be spices as that is all the contest indicated. I got a basket with spices, some cookies that are likely not vegan, 2 toques and some other knickknacks that will be given to my non vegan friend. The spices smell really good and they are vegan. I don’t know what the value of this basket is so I’m going to estimate $50. value of prize $50 Total value of prizes 2025 $50 Thank you for reading. For more vegan food follow me on Instagram @LivingOttawaLocal and @VeganCanadianfinds For scenery videos follow me on YouTube  https://youtube.com/@LivingOttawaLocal

5000 hits on Mturk and online earnings update October 2020

I finally hit 5000 hits on mturk. This is a milestone for many mturkers because it has potential to open up more hits. I only do things I enjoy on mturk so it took me years but I am happy I finally did it. Although I don´t spend a lot of time on mturk you can see that over the last few years I have earned over $1200 US dollars which has given me some nice entertainment money. I work on many different platforms in my sparetime I think my goal for this year was $1500. This is doing things I enjoy in my spare time. Many of these platforms are based on ad revenue and the pandemic made that decrease. Things are coming back now but 2020 has been a special year even in the online earnings world. I don´t know if I will make the goal this year but I will definately be able to get to $1000 this year. I have cashed out $750 this year and hopefully the rest of the year will be better. The platforms that are good constantly change and part of the work is finding platforms that have good work and pay fairly. These are the list of what I have made so far. prolific 270.94 mturk 225.65 Quora 74.98 other 87.31 Task Up 38.00 field agent 29.75 PineCone 24.00 Total 750.94 Prolific is the best platform the pay is in British Pounds and the pay rates are good. It is mostly academic surveys so there is not that much work. Mturk has a lot of different work but you need to filter to find things that are fair. Quora pays based on ad revenue but its passive revenue once the initial work is done. Task Up is a newer platform and has potential. Some of the other sites were good in the past but this year the work has reduced. I will keep working towards my goals. Many platforms are now restricing new users because of the amount of people wanting to work due to the pandemic. Some of these sites prefer if you use a referral link if you are interested leave a comment or contact me on instagram @livingvancouverloca.


  1. Cool. I tried out Prolific but it said that it wasn't open for South Asians or so....


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