I tried all the vegan soft serve in Ottawa

I tried all the vegan soft serve in Ottawa. I probably missed a few but I did try a lot of them. I have lived in Ottawa for two years and I was still transitioning from vegetarian to vegan when I moved here. I don’t remember having a lot of soft serve in Vancouver when I did eat dairy. I only remember having it at McDonald’s and buffets. I didn’t even know vegan soft serve was a thing until I moved to Ottawa. I tried six places The Merry Dairy, Oddburger, Little Jo Berry’s, Chocolate Favouris, IKEA, PastelXCoco, and 2 bonuses dole whip from Cinnaholic and the plant based dilly bar from Dairy Queen. I also went to Mavericks but they have been having supply issues and the soft serve is currently not vegan. Let me know if I missed any and maybe I’ll update the post in the future.  The Merry Dairy was the first vegan soft serve I had in Ottawa. I remember thinking I had to wait in line to get into the store only to learn soft serve was at the truck with no line. I was super excited that I

Small Business BC Vancity Seminar and Instagram

I have some catching up to do on blog posts and there will be some catch up posts in the next couple of weeks. I took a vacation and also took one from blogging but I have a lot to write about. I am going to start with a quick update about today.

Today I attended a free seminar that was put on by small business BC and Vancity. I really initially signed up for it because the location was a short walk away and free breakfast. It ended up being a great networking event I met a few people I have actually met from other seminars or events I have attended in the past and met a few new people that are involved in the business community. If I was actively involved in a business currently which I am not,  I would have made some great contacts today and found some potential new clients. I highly recommend attending community networking events if you have the time. These networking opportunities are invaluable. I know they are very intimidating if you have never been to any and you go by yourself. I actually used to be a very shy person and going in to a room full of strangers was not my favourite thing to do. I used to try and get friends to go with me but they are busy and I do meet more people when I am on my own. I always seem to meet people and usually their are people I know from other events but if I am ever in an awkward situation I just get some food or go to the bathroom and wait for the event to start.  I didn't win any of the door prizes this time but they also have great prizes and a limited number of people to win them. I did get a free promo code for a course at small business bc that is $50 regular price.  I also had an excellent free coffee and muffin provided by cafe Divano and a really good free lunch provided by Pasta Polo.

The other great part about attending this event is I met someone who worked for a company that I have had some issues with. This person remembered me from just being around and she was actually able to make me a little happier with the company by giving me a credit and listening to my problems which I didn't get results on by dealing with head office. It really puts the company in a better light when their employees have the power to resolve issues and provide great service when you aren't in the place of employment.

The other highlight of the day I have been avoiding getting an instragram account for awhile now but it seems to be the new way to get contests or free samples. I met someone in marketing today that suggested that Instagram is just a necessity now so I finally did it. Follow me on livingvancouverloca.


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