The fall season in Ottawa is a few weeks so you have to enjoy it. This summer was mostly rainy but it was heat wave weather at the end September straight to the colder windy days of October. If you are new to my blog I have lived most of my life in Vancouver and moved to Ottawa last year. I moved to Ottawa with my mom and last fall was dealing with her pancreatic cancer so I didn’t have time to enjoy Ottawa fall things. My mom passed away last October and this year I didn’t have many commitments which left me time to explore the Ottawa beauty and vegan food.

There really isn’t enough time to explore everything and work there is always something going on. I have also gone from not having much of a social life to having to vegan friends in the last couple of months. The beauty of Ottawa is it really is a big city small town at least in the vegan market community. Hotpotatoco one of the vendors at the market introduced me to one of my vegan friends that will be known as the other vegan girl in this blog. We were both at the market and we both talk to this vendor she introduced us and said we would be friends and we have become good friends. We had dinner at a new Dosa place in the neighborhood. Although I am introverted and don't socialize a lot it is nice to go to restaurants with vegan friends especially with people from here who are introducing me to their favourite things. I have another vegan friend that I met on Instagram @muchieswithlove I never believed you could really meet friends through social media but now I can verify it can happen.
I starting drafting this post two months ago before I went to Vegas and then got sick. Now it’s two months later and I am finally getting better but still not 100%. The rest of this blog will be about this past Sunday November 19 2023.

Franberry baking vegan brunch pop up is currently once a month on Sundays and the location is a twenty-five minute walk from my house. I look forward to going to it. I wasn’t able to go last month because I was sick. I had originally planned to go with some non vegan coworkers but they weren’t able to make it. The other vegan girl and her non vegan but open to vegan food sister were going to drive up. They asked me if I wanted a ride but I said I wanted to walk. I thought it was a nice day but I did tell them if they drove by me to stop. When I went outside I realized it was snowing with some wind but still not bad weather. I did almost regret my decision of saying no to a ride but they did pass by me and pick me up and we parked behind what looked like munchieswithlove’s car. I had messaged her earlier to see if she was going but hadn’t heard back. She replied that she was inside right after we parked. The other vegan girl had warned me that if I went the time I had originally planned they would be sold out of the eggs benny special I wanted. They sold out of the english muffin but I was able to get it on toast. I only care about the hollandaise sauce I still haven't found a vegan hollandaise that compares to the non vegan version which was one of my favourite things when I was vegetarian. I ordered a peppermint hot chocolate to go with my meal. I had already drank coffee at home.
Muchieswithlove was there with her friend and we were able to get a table so all five of us could sit together. It is nice my two vegan friends got to meet each other. This is why I say Ottawa is a big city small town people always run into people they know around here even I run into people and I barely know anyone here. At the end of the meal I got one of their italian soda's because they are really good and an oat bar to go. It was snowing heavily from the window but it started and stopped quickly.

The other vegan girl had previously asked me if I wanted to go to the market where the vendor that introduced us would be with a vegan stew that looked really good in the pictures. It is getting colder now the markets close to me are closed and we have to go to the square where whole foods is for the indoor market. Next week the Christmas market will start there so things will be available on Saturday and Sunday. I had originally said no because I went to a semi annual Costco trip the day before and still had chores to do at home and I am still recovering from being sick for a month. Her sister said she was going there so my choice was go with them or walk home in the snow. I like going to that market and I wanted the stew as well so agreed to go.
We spent some time talking to the vendors we know at the market and I was introduced to another one of the market friends still a big city small town to me. Of course got the stew from Hotpotatoco to go I always love their food.
I bought a few things at the market always great local produce and found some vegan cookies and apple cider. I also thought we would be going home after the market and this would be the last of shopping for the weekend it wasn’t.
Then we went to a grocery store in Quebec Laboiteagrains. I haven't been to Quebec much and I am all for going to stores with lots of vegan items. Of course I had to buy a few things again thinking this was the last stop between the Costco trip, the market haul, and the meal prep that was going to be delivered I really didn't need more. This location didn't have what they wanted so off to the same store in a different location that was much bigger and again of course they had some rare finds that I needed to buy.
That was really the last stop and they dropped me home where my Naturallyvero meal prep for the week was delivered. Yes it is all vegan
It was a nice vegan mini road trip and now I have spent way to much money on vegan food so I will be hibernating and eating at home until next weekend where there will likely be another adventure. It is now Thursday evening while I am editing this blog I only bought some bread so far this week but I am ready to spend more money on food this weekend.
Thank you for reading. For more vegan food follow me on Instagram @LivingOttawaLocal and @VeganCanadianfinds
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