2025 Contest Prize Wins

  Last year I started keeping track of the prizes I won. You can read that post here  2024 Contest Prize Wins . It is a great post to have for memories so I’m going to start a new post for 2025. I received the first prize of 2025. It took a little to get it because my friend picked it up for me. This was a prize pack from Ottawabloggers and Tiffinit. I thought the prize was just going to be spices as that is all the contest indicated. I got a basket with spices, some cookies that are likely not vegan, 2 toques and some other knickknacks that will be given to my non vegan friend. The spices smell really good and they are vegan. I don’t know what the value of this basket is so I’m going to estimate $50. value of prize $50 Total value of prizes 2025 $50 Thank you for reading. For more vegan food follow me on Instagram @LivingOttawaLocal and @VeganCanadianfinds For scenery videos follow me on YouTube  https://youtube.com/@LivingOttawaLocal

Better Forking vegan Mac and cheese review

I found better forking Vegan Mac and cheese at Home Sense. It was $4.99

The ingredients are simple slightly different than other Mac and Cheese as it has potato and coconut flour in it. The instructions say to cook the pasta for 7-8 minutes but I found mine took 10 to cook. 

I don’t always follow instructions when I cook but I am trying to have the same comparisons for all my mac and cheese reviews. Usually the instructions will say to make the sauce by adding vegan butter, plant milk, and cheese packet then add the pasta. The steps were slightly different on the box drain the pasta and quickly put it back in the pan. Add the butter stir. Add the powder stir. Add the plant milk stir. Then let sit for a couple minutes. I tried the pasta with seasoning before I added the milk and I really liked it. It tasted like nacho cheese powder. When I added the milk the taste changed it may be because I only had almond milk it’s not bad though. I added some parmela creamy vegan cheese and really liked it. This is a good mac and cheese but I don’t think it is worth the price. If they sold just the seasoning i would buy that and make a nacho cheeze sauce with it. 

For more boxed vegan Mac and cheese reviews blog posr here  Vegan Boxed Mac and cheese reviews 

Instagram @livingottawalocal and @vegancanadianfinds

YouTube @livingottawalocal 



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