2025 Contest Prize Wins updated March 2025

  Last year I started keeping track of the prizes I won. You can read that post here  2024 Contest Prize Wins . It is a great post to have for memories so I’m going to start a new post for 2025. I won a limited edition veg’n bake box from Wholly Veggie. This is a very interesting prize because there are only 100 of these limited edition boxes made so I’m excited to be one of the rare people that received one.  These are coating blends but they don’t have wierd chemicals ingredients in them. They are made with vegetables, seasonings, and a few other normal ingredients. There are three flavours and the clover one smelled so good I had to try it.  These shakers can be used on anything just wet the ingredients shake it up in a container with a lid and bake. I was thinking when I was vegetarian I used to make shake&bake tofu often and since I have been vegan I haven’t made it. I like these seasonings because I try and avoid chemicals in my food and using a container t...

Finish Dishwasher cleaner - November 14

Before using Finish Dishwasher cleaner in my dishwasher
I have had this dishwasher for over 5 years and have never used a cleaner it. The most I have done is once in a while ran a vinegar soaked sponge through it. My dishes are starting to come out streaked and Shopper's army has given me this to try out for free.  I only went to one store to buy it which was Walmart hard to find as it was way up on the shelf but shout out to the wal-mart employee who noticed I was not tall enough to reach that high shelf and got it down for me. Here are a few before pictures these dishes are clean its hard to see on camera but there are some streaks in them.
let's see if the yellow gets cleaned

clean dishes before dishwasher cleaner

inside of the cup that will be washed again after cleaning

ready to clean the dishwasher

You can tell this did something as it is in a different location than where it started but did it work? I can't tell so I don't think so. I think its little whiter? The dishes still came out streaked there seems to be a slight improvement but not a significant difference. That being said I already use finish dishwasher tabs as my detergent maybe its already doing what it is supposed to. It costs about $5 for this product for me it doesn't work but I think it might work on other machines. I think Vinegar works better for me so I will stick to that.


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